Can you handle the city

What do you shout when you're nearly run over

  • Hey I'm walkin' here
  • Yo watch it
  • Hit me. I dare you
  • Excuse me

How do you pronounce 'drawer'

  • Draw
  • Drawr
  • Draw-ur
  • Drouwr

Your bagel order consists of

  • Egg & Cheese
  • Tofu spread
  • Schmear and lox
  • Cream cheese and smolked salmon

What do you call underground transportation

  • Tube
  • Subway
  • Metro
  • Train

What do you call tiny grocery stores?

  • Corner store
  • Bodega
  • Deli
  • Shops

How do you pronounce 'Houston'

  • Hew-ston
  • Hoos-ton
  • How-ston
  • Hough-ston